
Forgiveness is something all of us want when we make a mistake or hurt another person.  What about when we are the one who is hurt?  How quickly are we willing to forgive? 

When a friend brings us their problem, pain or anger about another person, do we counsel them wisely regarding forgiveness?  Or do we sympathize with their situation without consideration for the other person?

Forgiveness isn’t easy.  Often it’s messy!  Frequently it’s painful, especially for our egos.  None of us wants to admit we are the party that is wrong, even when we are.  Many of us don’t want to let go of the anger and outraged feelings if we are the injured person. 

But we fail to realize that forgiveness brings freedom to us.  It takes us out of our pity party, that jail we create for ourselves.  It allows us to regain our focus on the present.  Forgiveness brings us back into right relationship with our Lord. 

Forgiveness is a key to a better life, an eternal life.  If this is something that you want, please join us Sunday morning at 10:55 a.m. 


Keys.  We all have them.   We have keys for our homes, our cars, our places of work.  We have keys for lock-boxes, safety-deposit boxes and even jewelry boxes.  We have keys for locks on yard gates, sheds, bicycles, storage units. 

We use them to gain access to the places we need to go.  We use them to open our treasure troves. 

Those are the physical keys that are obvious to us all.  There are other keys that aren’t so obvious.  What about the keys to our hearts; the keys to our minds; or the keys to our souls?  What about those keys? 

Pastor Ann has been speaking to us for several weeks about God’s Kingdom.  How awesome would it be to have the keys to the Kingdom?  Beyond any earthly keys, His keys hold the power of joy, of peace, of love and of eternity. 

If you believe your key ring is lacking His keys, join us Sunday morning at 10:55 a.m. as Pastor Ann presents His message regarding His keys.  If you are unable to make it to the church, please join us on Facebook as we livestream this message.

Seeking Satisfaction

It’s Family Week at Cove Nazarene! What does that mean? It means that Pastor Ann will be teaching to the kiddos this week as they remain in church with us older folks. For some of us (like me) this is a great deal because the message is simple, straighforward and easy to grasp. So what is she going to talk about?

We all remember playing hide and seek when we were (maybe) younger. Seeking was the more difficult part for some of us because the others we played with were great at hiding. Which part did you excell at? Which part did you enjoy more? If I had to guess…………….. most of us preferred hiding.

As we come to realize that there is something missing in our lives, an emptiness within us that we just can’t seem to fill, we begin to be seekers. Some seek fortune and some seek fame, others seek possessions or status. Not one of these things will fill that hole inside us though.

Jesus told us to “seek the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind.” Why would He say that? Because we are designed to be connected to our God and nothing short of a relationship with Him will ever satisfy us.

Join us Sunday morning at 10:55 in the sanctuary or here on Facebook as Pastor Ann teaches this amazing concept! See y’all Sunday!

Heaven and the Kingdom of God

Is there a difference between heaven and the Kingdom of God? YES! Pastor Ann has been speaking to us about the Kingdom of God recently and will continue that exploration this week as she moves us into understanding this difference.

Jesus left the Kingdom of Heaven to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. In doing this, He provided a way for us, as sinners, a way to become Kingdom citizens. He sought out ordinary men and women, not religious leaders. He brought them into relationship with Himself to teach and model the Kingdom of God on earth. If we are willing to follow His teaching and example we too can become citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Ann will bring us details of this exciting news on Sunday morning at 10:55 am. Come grow with us!