Adult Discipleship Opportunities (ages 18+)
Adult Sunday School Sundays, 9:30am
Adult Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30pm (When the children’s Discipleship meets)
Nursery (Ages 0-3)
The nursery crew offers a loving and nurturing experience during all services for very young people aged 0 to 3. Our goal is to have your child’s first impression of church to be positive. This allows the parents’ faith to be encouraged and strengthened knowing their most precious family member is well cared for. Our nursery staff are certified in First Aid and CPR, as well as, have completed the Ministry Safe course.
Children’s Ministries and Discipleship
Not just know about Jesus, but to Know Him and understand His Word
Children’s Discipleship (Ages 5-11)
Children’s Church Sunday, 10:45am Following Praise and Worship
High Gear Kidz (ages 5 -11) Wednesday, 6:30pm (High Gear Kidz!!). The Children are divided into age groups.
Our hearts’ desire is to work alongside families in leading a child to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Sunday morning and Wednesday nights provide a fun, safe environment where your child learns about God, His love for us, the power of His Spirit & His plan for our lives