Just in case you missed the live-feeds of Dr. Warrick yesterday, here’s a brief synopsis…..
Reverend Warrick began our REVIVAL services yesterday with a simple question.
“How big is your God?”
That seemed like a relatively easy question to answer, until we started to think about and he continued talking. How big IS your God? Is He big enough to handle the day to day problems you face? What about the crises that come into your life? Is He big enough to change your life? That one is up to you.
Rev. Warrick reminded us that we serve a God who is immeasurable. There is no one greater! He is the God of the impossible. He created everything!
The next statement that grabbed everyone’s attention was even bolder.
“We are all exactly where we want to be in our walk with God.”
WHAT? How is that possible? Dr. Warrick went on to explain using Matt. 5:6 –
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”
Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Then you are on the right path.
If you have lost your appetite then Dr. Warrick maintains you are one of three things. You are:
1. Sick
2. Dying
3. Dead
If you are “all good with God” then you belong in one of those three categories. You are sick, dying or already dead in the Lord. You have hardened your heart, closed your ears, your eyes and your mind to God. You have sealed off your soul. While this might be a comfortable place to be right now, today, it’s not a wise place to be when weighed against eternity.
The wise place to be is that in which God is first in all things. First in your thoughts when you wake, first in your conversation each day and first in your mind as you go out into the world for whatever your schedule holds. When God is first, all else will follow. He has promised that in His Word and He never ever breaks His Word.
If you want MORE of what God has for you, if you want Him to have MORE of you, please join us tonight at 6:30 p.m. as Dr. Warrick continues his message of REVIVAL for Cove Church of the Nazarene.