This week Pastor Ann will continue her series on the Kingdom of God. She will be expanding on the Key of prayer as she takes us back to 1 John. As we learn about prayer we discover that there are some basic rules for our prayers to be effective. Prayer is an extremely powerful tool. It is one of the keys that can open or shut the door of heaven, as Jesus said in Matt 16:19.
There are two Keys we need in place to strengthen the Key of prayer. The first is the Key of forgiveness. Pastor Ann reminded us of the Lord’s prayer which says in part “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors…” Matt. 6:12. If we are unwilling to forgive others, or to seek forgiveness from others, our Father isn’t going to forgive us.
The second Key is humility. This is a difficult one for most of us. Our culture no longer teaches this attribute as something desirable. Humility involves letting go of our pride and giving all the glory to God whenever we win.
When we have forgiveness in our hearts alongside humility, our prayers become what they were meant to be. Potent. Powerful. Pleasing to God. They work to impact life on earth as we beg God to do something. They release our dominion to Him, that “His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:10.
Pastor Ann will be bringing His message at the 10:55 worship service. Please consider joining us in the sanctuary or on FB live-stream.