Cove Church of the Nazarene
Reopening plan
- Drive-in Sunday services for the duration of May. No children’s discipleship at this time.
- Reopen the sanctuary on June 7, 2020.
- Printed signs will remind people to maintain social distancing.
- Printed signs will remind people to wear masks.
- Everyone will wear masks for the next 2 weeks after reopening the sanctuary. Rows will be spread out and social distancing between family groups will be expected until July 2020. Seating will be done by families and directed by ushers starting from the front to the back. At the end of service, people will exit from the back to the front, encouraging social distancing. Once they leave the building, they are responsible for themselves.
- Greeters will hold the doors open so that people are not having to grab the door handle to enter or exit.
- Greeters will have hand sanitizer to use if they shake hands with anyone.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers will be at the Welcome Center along with Clorox wipes to clean any writing instruments if visitors fill out a visitor’s card.
- People will be encouraged not to give hugs or handshakes.
- The altars will be open both for seekers as well as for those who want to help seekers as they pray. However, individuals must be wearing masks. Additionally, all individuals are reminded to sanitize their hands afterwards. The altars will be wiped with Clorox wipes at the end of the service.
- Offering will be received in the same manner as we currently receive it. An usher will stand at the exit of the sanctuary with the basket so that individuals can give their tithes and offerings.
- The nursery will be opened on June 7th. It has been closed for 2 months; therefore, no coronavirus is there. However, the provider will have to sanitize surfaces if there are toddlers who are running around playing with toys. And she will have to be vigilant about washing her hands between handling children.
- Children’s church will occur starting on June 7th.
- Hand Sanitizer will be used as children come into the children’s church and as they are leaving.
- Individual boxes of supplies for each child are designated with their names so that the child only uses their supplies and not those of others.
- Sanctuary (chairs and altar) and children’s church room will be sanitized before the next ministry time.
Teen Discipleship
- Teens will maintain 6 feet distancing between themselves and others.
- Adults will wear masks.
- Teens will use hand sanitizer when they come to class and before departing at the end of class.
- Any tables used (game tables or regular tables) will be wiped down after use with Clorox spray.
Children’s Discipleship
- Children’s discipleship will begin on June 10, 2020.
- Adults will wear masks during children’s discipleship.
- Children will use hand sanitizer before opening, entering each room and before closing. Then they will use hand sanitizer before being released back to their parents.
Wednesday evening parents’ discipleship
- Social distancing will be maintained between family units. Tables will be wiped with Clorox wipes after use.
Bathroom use during any service or ministry or gathering opportunity
- A different person for each service will be designated to use Clorox wipes to wipe bathroom stall doors, toilets, and handles on faucets at the sinks after each use.
- Individuals will be encouraged to use a paper towel and then throw it away when opening the door to exit the bathroom.