Last week I spoke with a man who told me he calls this “the silly season.” He explained that every hour is packed with things that MUST get done. The longer I ponder this, the more I realize he’s got a valid point. Is it the right point though?
Christmas is nearly upon us and the pressure is building. Family members are traveling to see others, presents are still being purchased and wrapped, some of us are trying to decide where to put the tree (or whether its worth the effort). Whew. I’m tired now just thinking about it.
And yet, the rush and bustle, the panic and push that accompanied the first Christmas is what this season is truly about. Joseph was bustling to get to Bethlehem in time for the census. He felt panic when he saw the bustling crowds that had arrived ahead of him and then Mary began to push.
Maybe, just maybe, we all need to slow down a bit and reconsider what this season is about. It’s not about us, or our kids, or friends & neighbors. Unless of course we are sharing what’s most important with these folks we love. The story of Christmas.
If you don’t know or remember the whole Christmas Story, we’d like to invite you to join us on Sunday morning at 10:55 am as our children and teens re-tell this wonderful story. We encourage you to bring your friends, kids and grandparents so they can share in this wonderful reason for our celebration.