Today is the 37th day that we have been counting the omer.

As we come to the end of Deuteronomy, we find Moses blessing all the tribes of Israel individually. This is consistent with the Jewish tradition in which the father, as he nears death, blesses his children. In the 33rd chapter, Moses points out that the inheritance for the community of Jacob is the Torah, the teachings and requirements of Yehovah. All the blessings that could possibly be experienced will come through the Torah. It is like a treasure box that is jammed full of the best things, both physical and spiritual.

Additionally, Moses looks forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to His people. Deuteronomy 33:5 (CJB) says, “Then a king arose in Yeshurun when the leaders of the people were gathered, all the tribes of Israel together.” (The term Yeshurun is a term of endearment for Israel.) Moses is looking forward to a time that is still to come. He is seeing a time when “the LORD became king in Israel” (NLT). It appears that Moses is referencing the time when Jesus the Messiah will rule over all the tribes of Israel and the world from His throne in Jerusalem.

How do we apply these things to our lives? How do they help us intentionally deepen our relationship with Jesus the Messiah? First, I think that God wants us to see His teachings and requirements to be holy, as inexplicably marvelous promises, filling our days with goodness and richness that can be found in no other place. As our spirits and souls continually seek increased intimacy with the Almighty, He pours out blessings that cannot be numbered! And these blessings are not only spiritual, but they are also physical! Oh, that we would come to the place as David did when he wrote in Psalms 119:97, “How I love Your Torah! I mediate on it all day.” Second, I think God wants us to recognize that the time of Jesus’ return is remarkably close at hand. All the tribes of Israel are back in the land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Israel became a nation in one day, and now their capital is Jerusalem. Time is marching quickly forward to fulfill everything that God said would occur. May the Holy Spirit help us work diligently and deliberately to enlarge His Kingdom up to the very moment of His return!


Pastor Ann

May 18, 2020