Overcoming Temptations

If you feel overwhelmed by temptation, regardless of what it may be, there’s Good News!  All temptations can be overcome.  Jesus did it to teach us how, and then He sent the Holy Spirit to help us with our own struggles.

Temptations come from the devil.  He has three areas that he can attack: our flesh, our eyes and our pride of life.  He is diligent in his work.  Luke 4:6 tells us that he has control over all the earth.  For us, this means that temptations are everywhere, all the time.  In the same chapter of Luke, Jesus defeats him 3 times in all three areas. 

If you have the desire to overcome the temptations in your life, Pastor Ann will be offering a message of hope to all of us this Sunday, June 9th at 10:55 a.m.  We would love to have you with us for this important lesson or watch our livestream on facebook.

In case you haven’t been with us before………. Or have forgotten……..

Breakfast is available beginning at 9:00 a.m. for a $2.00 donation per plate. (This is real food, not donuts)  Come eat and learn with us!